Formby rotary to hold charity carol concert

FORMBY ROTARY TO HOLD CHARITY CAROL CONCERT the Rotary Club of Formby is gearing up for its popular annual Carol Concert. This festive event will take place on Friday 15 December, at St Luke's Church, St Luke's Church Road, Formby at 7.30.
Once again the excellent Aughton Male Voice Choir will be leading the singing of traditional Carols and festive songs.
The tickets are £5 and include a mince pie and mulled wine during the interval. All monies raised will go to the Salvation Army who do sterling work with the elderly, disadvantaged families and homeless during the festive season. They ensure those who need it get a hot meal, have some company or ensure a child gets a small present during the Christmas period.
Entry is by ticket only. Tickets can be obtained from Peter Connor 01704 382349