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Formby Nativity goes Musical on Sunday 10th December

Formby Village Nativity has delighted crowds in Formby and the surrounding area for the past 11 years. The twelth Nativity will have a mixture of live animals, spectacle and community theatre, this free event run by Churches Together tells the story of the first Christmas in a different way each year. Children have always been involved but this year the children are taking a major part in the play.

The 2017 nativity is a musical and will take place on Sunday 10th December at 2 p.m. at Formby Pool Gardens. It is on a Sunday this year to enable more families to take part.

This musical nativity will feature choirs from Our Lady's, Woodlands, Freshfield and St Jerome's schools along with Make Noise Choir and Make Noise 2. The children and adults have been rehearsing their songs since September and are looking forward to performing their pieces. Their singing is lively, energetic and inspiring.

Baby Iris Last stars as the baby Jesus. Her mother Catherine is busy leading two of the choirs so it will be a family performance.

Baby Iris Last, will star as Baby Jesus seen here with her mother Catherine

The rehearsals are underway and the cast of volunteers from across Formby are busy learning their lines and rehearsing. The story will engage and entertain people of all ages and is a great free family day out. Formby Pool volunteers will serve free refreshments after the event with any donations going to homeless charities.

Last years Nativity was fantastic, here are some photos and the video of the event that brings our whole community together.

This is the Formby Bubble video of the Nativity

Photos from the day

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