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Congratulations to FHS Class of 2017 on fantastic GCSE results!

Students collecting their GCSE results this year had every justification to feel more anxious

than their peers in previous years amidst a climate of incredible change in both examinations and grading.

Indeed, this cohort were the first to receive numerical grades (9-1) introduced in English

and Mathematics and they endured harder, more rigorous examinations in these subjects.

Envelopes opened, however, and they soon felt very proud of their achievements, as did their teachers and parents.

85% of students achieved at least a grade 4 in English and Mathematics, and 24 students attained at least eight A*/A grades. The determination and resilience these students

have demonstrated has been admirable; they have worked incredibly hard to achieve

and seized every opportunity available to them at FHS over the last five years.

Headteacher, Dominic Mackenzie, said: "The manner in which this year group confronted the challenge of new GCSEs in English and Maths is admirable. Not only have they achieved great results in these subjects, they have done so across the board. The results they have achieved are thoroughly deserved and are a culmination of the dedication and team effort of the students, staff and parents. Congratulations to all concerned!"

Mrs Fiona Grieveson, Chair of Governors, said: "FHS students should feel immensely proud of their results this year. From our close work with the school, Governors are acutely aware of the challenges students have faced amidst the many national changes and are delighted they have risen to them with such confidence. I would also like to offer the Governors' continued thanks to all the staff for their hard work in preparing the students so thoroughly for their examinations."

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