Sefton Coast volunteers clear the sand from the Boardwalk in Formby
On Friday 30th June, Friends of Sefton Coast volunteers went down to Lifeboat Road to help clear the sand from the Boardwalk.
Deborah Cornwall, who is wheelchair bound, was also there giving a helping hand. Deborah said: "All users of the boardwalk, whether they're elderly, push prams or wheelchairs, rely on the boardwalk being clear so they can access the beautiful beach. Please get involved if you can. Thanking everyone for their help."
Cllr Denise Dutton never misses an opportunity to help the community and she was also there with her shovel, Denise said: "As usual, I had a great time with so many lovely volunteers to help with the sand clearance of the Boardwalk at Lifeboat Road. It was brill!"
Sefton Coast Landscape Partnerships said: "Volunteers arrived at Lifeboat Road where they shifted a whole Sahara's worth of sand (well, it certainly felt like it) from the boardwalk, making access down to the beach that much easier."
"Shifting sand is what the coast needs of course, to keep the dunes in tip top conditions for all of our rare species, but we've got to keep the paths clear too."
The volunteers meet regularly on the Sefton coast to help out with a whole range of conservation and maintenance work from Crosby to Southport.
If you would like to get involved with the Friends of the Sefton Coast volunteer programme, please call 0151 934 2967 for more details.