Please vote for Woodlands 'Green Spaces for All' in Tesco's Formby

Woodlands Primary School in Formby has been shortlisted in Tesco's 'Bags of help' initiative. They need your help to secure the top prize of £5,000 for their 'Woodlands Green Spaces for All' project. Please vote for them in Tesco Formby by putting a token in their slot at the front of Teco Formby store.
Voting has already started on Wednesday 1st March and will continue until Saturday 29th April. The project with the highest number of votes across our region will receive up to £5,000, the second placed project up to £2,000 and the third placed project £1,000.
Tesco supermarket teamed up with Groundwork to launch its Bags of Help initiative, which sees grants of thousands of pounds being awarded to environmental and green space projects. The 5p carrier bag charge is used to fund grants to improve local parks, hold community events, support sports groups and more. The grants are managed by the community charity Groundwork UK.
Woodlands Headteacher, Mr Williams said: "We are thrilled to announce that we have been accepted on Tesco’s ‘Bags of Help’ initiative! You will be able to vote in Tesco stores to help us gain funding for a much-needed project."
"Our Project is 'Woodlands Green Spaces for All'. It is a fun, all-weather, year-round, multi-purpose area to promote school and wider community use of green space for regular exercise, play and training. We are looking to provide an all-weather surface to allow our children to complete their Woodlands’ Mile runs on the school field whatever the conditions underfoot."
Our project (along with the other two successful projects in our region) will go forward to a vote in Tesco stores where customers will decide the outcome by voting for their favourite project each time they shop."
"Please encourage as many people as you can to shop at Tesco and vote for Woodlands Green Spaces for All."
The three finalists are: 1 - Woodlands primary school in Formby for 'Woodlands Green Spaces for All Fund a fun, all-weather, year round, multipurpose area for use by the school and the wider community.
2 - 37th Ormskirk Scout Garden We want to renovate a patch of wasteland at the side of our school HQ to include a vegetable/herb plot, flower tubs, seating area and a small fire.
3 - Churchtown Cricket Club Junior Summer Camps Help Churchtown Activity Junior Summer Camps deliver fun, activity and skills coaching for children in the Summer of 2017.
Tesco say:
It's your money – so where the money goes locally is up to you.
Nominate local projects or apply for funding
We’re encouraging community groups and charities to apply for a grant. We’re also asking our customers to nominate local projects that they’d like to see receive some cash. Find out more by visiting
Customers vote
Three community projects in each local area will be voted on by customers in our stores across England, Scotland and Wales, with the projects changing every other month. Each time you shop you will be offered a token at the checkout and be able to vote for your favourite project.
Grants are awarded
At the end of the voting period, all three projects will receive funding in each local area. The amount of funding available for individual local projects will range from £1,000 to £4,000 – keep a look out for the results in store and online.
This money is already making a huge difference to thousands of local communities.