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The Maritime Cadets are now in Formby

Back in September 2016 the Maritime Cadet Association put an expression of interest in to Sefton Council with the intention to take over the Formby Youth centre in Redgate.

After months of negation and decision making, I am very pleased to announce that the Maritime Cadet Association were successful with their application and received access to the building on 10th February 2017.

We were conscious that the building is a hub for the youth in Formby and therefore wanted to embrace the youth groups and members of the community and agreed for Aiming High (youth group for disabled young people who meet twice per week) and Sefton Fostering Services (who meet twice per month) to keep on accessing the building and to continue to offer their invaluable service.

The Maritime Cadets is a charity that aims to create an environment where young people can reach their full potential whatever their circumstances.

We provide a balanced programme of activities that develops the whole person in an environment of social interaction and team working using a nautical theme based on the customs and traditions of the Royal and Merchant Navies. Young people progress through a rank structure as well as undergoing specialist training and be given the opportunity to attain awards and qualifications.

Taking part in the Maritime Cadets builds confidence and develops self-esteem. It requires persistence, commitment and has a lasting impact on the attitudes and outlook of all young people who join. Our cadets are aged between: 8 - 11 Junior Maritime Cadets 11 - 18 Maritime Cadets Demand continues to rise year on year. We have ambitious plans for growth, development and sustainability and we look forward to working with all our new networks in Formby as well as our existing networks to make our goals a reality.

Our achievements and growth have inspired us to be more ambitious and to set ourselves some challenging goals. Our starting point is the understanding that, if the Maritime Cadets & Sea Training Corps is good for the young people currently enrolled, then it is good for all the others not yet able to access the opportunities the Maritime Cadets & Sea Training Corps has to offer. We are passionate about inspiring the next generation and creating a brighter future for them and their communities.

Our ambitions are to increase the number of young people enrolled in the Maritime Cadets & Sea Training Corps. To ensure that all young people who enroll in the Maritime Cadets & Sea Training Corps are put through a structured and enhanced training syllabus.

To recruit, support and recognise more volunteers from diverse backgrounds, to extend our reach and enable more young people to access the Maritime Cadets & Sea Training Corps. To expand and diversify the delivery partners we work with to extend our reach and increase numbers of young people who enroll. To ensure that there is adequate resources and literature available to support volunteers in enhancing the experience for all cadets. We hope you too feel inspired to get involved, support our work and create a brighter future.

The Formby Maritime Cadets have an Open Day on March 14th, so why not go along and have a look. Details by Clicking HERE

If you feel inspired to get involved, support our work and create a brighter future for all young people, we would like to hear from you. Please email to: Facebook - Formby Maritime Cadets Website:

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