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Formby woman is trying to raise £60,000 to save brother-in-law's life

A Formby woman is trying to raise £60,000 to send her brother-in-law Mark Wealleans to Germany for potential life saving immunotherapy. He was diagnosed with terminal cancer in September 2016 after having tummy ache for a couple of weeks. He's only 49 yeras old and has two sons aged 11yrs and 14yrs. This is Mark's only chance of survival as his Drs have told him they can only offer palliative chemo as the cancer is too advanced and have given him just six months to live.

The devasting news drove the Formby woman, Jackie Draycott to set up a fund raising page to try and help.

Jackie said: "Mark is very much a family man, he runs kids local football teams and is always the first to offer his help. Just by reading the comments that people have left on his funding page sums up the great guy he is."

"This has utterly devastated all his family and friends and they are desperately trying to raise enough funds for potential life saving treatment at the Hallwang Clinic in Germany."

"The treatment that Germany can offer is called immunotherapy which is tailored to the individuals genetic makeup and cancer mutation. This treatment is having incredible breakthroughs and is seeing previously "incurable" cancers going into complete remission. Unfortunately this treatment isn't available on the NHS."

Jackie said: "After being told by his Doctors on Friday 28th October that his cancer is too advanced and palliative treatment is all they can offer, we are desperate for him to attend the Germany clinic for this potential life saving treatment. This could be his one and only chance of survival."

On Sunday 13th November, the family flew out to Germany to start Marks first round of treatment. Each treatment session lasts for three weeks and costs nearly £60,000. The family have managed to raise the funds for this first session by re-mortgaging and personal finance. The fundraising page they currently have going has raised approx £27,000 so far which they will be using towards his second session planned after Christmas. Doctors have already indicated he will need approximately 3-4 sessions at the cost of £60,000 each.

Jackie said: "Marks tumor tissue is currently being tested and analysed by the specialists over in Germany and his first treatment commenced on Monday 14th November 2016. We are asking with the biggest amount of gratitude and thanks for any donation, big or small to help send him over to Germany for the other treatments that he will need. We know the target is massive and requires a lot of kindness from as many well-wishers as possible, but honestly, every penny makes that mountain easier to climb."

Jackie went on to say: "Mark is a massive, massive Chrystal Palace fan and in general footy mad so please think of him and buy him a virtual drink whenever a game is on by donating the price of a pint to his page. As Mark would say, 'Still in the game'.......................our aim is to keep him in it! Much love and eternal gratitude for taking the time to read this and for any donations received, We can't begin to tell you how much this means to us all xxxx"

Please visit the Fundraising page which is on £27,000 at the moment for Marks second treatment. They need to reach £60,000 for that treatment just after Christmas and remembering that he actually needs three to four treatments in total, he needs as much help as possible.

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