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Strange drawings on Formby beach could be inspired by the cave art at Lascaux

Some strange carvings appeared in the rocks on Formby beach at the National Trust nature reserve on Friday 21st October. They fascinated people and we made inquiries to find out what they are. These photos were captured by Angela Hayes who sent them into Formby Bubble.

Andrew Brockbank from Formby National Trust said: "It looks like someone has been inspired to create some ‘rock art’ by sculpting the face of the tobacco cliffs here on the beach at Formby! These have all been done very recently but I don’t have any idea who the artist is!"

"The circles and lines in the first image remind me of some stone sculpture carved into sandstone which were found on Thurstaston Hill on Wirral – it’s difficult to know their origin, but they may be based on some very old ‘Celtic’ designs. The impression of the horse is interesting too as the artist has added another feature alongside – although I’m, not sure what! Again this appears to be like prehistoric rock art similar to that seen in the caves at Lascaux in France;

Andrew went on to say:

"Is the artist being inspired by the presence very close by of some of Formby’s most interesting prehistoric footprint features? I remember that Gordon Roberts (lately deceased) was very inspired by the cave art at Lascaux and he particularly made the connection between the footprints of Aurochs on the shoreline here at Formby and the prehistoric cave paintings which depicted the Aurochs with a neat impression of the footprint of this mighty beast which, as Gordon explained was probably for recognition of the tracks by these Mesolithic hunting people. The Aurochs, or ‘marsh treader’ stood an impressive 6 feet in height at the haunches and the hunters would have to be very much on their guard!"

The drawings are not done on rocks, they are actually done in what are 'Tobacco Cliffs'.

Please see our article on the Formby Tobacco Cliffs to find out more about this by CLICKING HERE

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