Attempted burglary on Church Road in Formby

On Wednesday 5th October an unknown person attempted to break into a house on Church Road, Formby. Shockingly it was in the middle of the day, on a busy road.
The owner of the property told Formby Bubble: "If thieves are willing to make an attempt like this, people should be extra careful for the night time. Make your house un-appealing to them, lots of light, dead bolts, CCTV. Make your house not worth bothering. And keep an eye out on your neighbors houses. I just want to encourage people to look out for their neighbors like we do round here which I'm sure others do do, and to report everything out of the ordinary. The police want to do more patrols but need to have proof that they are required."
Police have been out to investigate and feel that the would be thieves were ether disturbed or that they simply gave up. However they were also concerned they (the perpetrators) may have been looking at this particular property because there is access to 4 other houses via the back garden.
The police will be talking to the owners of those properties about what they can do to best protect their homes.
Merseyside Police said: "We received a report of attempted burglary of a garage and house on Church Road in Formby, nothing was stolen and garage door found open, also damage to front door with possible screwdriver, security advice is to be given."
If you know anything about this incident, please call 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 101