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Merseyside Police issue warning after men try to fleece vulnerable residents

A message from Merseyside Police and Sefton Home Watch.

Builder Scam

Welbeck Terrace Birkdale has recently been targeted by a group of males posing as builders offering to do guttering, roofing and cleaning drives at extortionate prices.

Their aim is trying to fleece vulnerable old people out of money. It appears that two white Eastern European males have again been back to Welbeck Terrace on the morning of Wednesday 14/09/16 trying to get more money out of an elderly victim but were sent on their way by a neighbour.

The males are both described as white, of Eastern European extraction, in their 20’s, about 5′ 10″ in height, slim and wearing dark sweat shirts with an unknown logo on the right hand side.

Telephone Scam 16/09/16

Intelligence suggests that unknown people are targeting residents in the area via telephone pretending to be from the telephone providers “Talk Talk”.

It is believed that they are targeting vulnerable/elderly residents, requesting that money be sent via ‘MoneyGram’ overseas to Georgia stating that they have issued a refund accidently and that they require the payment back.

Residents are being told that the refund is in a Paypal account waiting for them, and once the MoneyGram has been received, they will release the Paypal account for the resident to claim their money.

It is believed that one of the receivers of the MoneyGram goes by the name of Rufat AMAMMADOV, and that other people involved in these scams may go by the name of Ryan MACCY and Jerry ANDREWS on the telephone number 02031291506.

No further details are known for these males.

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