The Formby Bubble newspaper is now FREE from Issue 3 - OUT TOMORROW

The Formby community told us they did not agree with paying for a community newspaper. You sent emails, you sent letters, you called our office and we listened. We agree with you. The Formby Bubble newspaper is for our community and from now on, it will be FREE of charge.
It will be available in all shops in Formby to pick up completely free from tomorrow - Issue 3 will be available tomorrow morning - Thursday 14th April.
You can pick it up in Tesco, Waitrose, One Stop, Spar, BP Garage with M&S, all newsagents in Formby and Hightown, Formby Pool - FREE
Our newspaper is for you. We want to hear your news, your stories, your photos, everything and anything about Formby, tell us and we will print it.
We offer FREE 20 words for any Formby or Hightown companies to advertise their job vacancies in our paper. We offer FREE 20 words to the people of Formby and Hightown for family notices of births, deaths, marriages, birthdays - FREE. This paper is for you so please use us and abuse us as much as you want - We Love It!
Out every fortnight, next issue, issue 4, is out on Thursday 28th April