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Family Notices in formby.....
Welcome to our Family Notices pages of the BubbleBook. Here you can list your family announcements for FREE with a photograph if you wish....Births, Deaths, Marriages, Birthdays, Christenings, Anniversaries, any family occasion at all. The one and only rule is that the person that the announcement refers to must live in Formby. You need to write out your advert EXACTLY the way you want it written (NB: we will simply copy and paste your information, so we cannot be responsible for spelling mistakes) and if a photo is required, just attatch it to the email. We will require your name, address, telephone number and email address and then for the advert, we will require the week you want it to be listed in, the date of the family announcement, a title (This is usually a family name) and your EXACT wording.
There is a limit to FIVE lines per advert.
Email to: info@formbybubble.com
By submitting an advert you automatically agree to all of our Terms and Conditions.
WC stands for Week Commencing, weeks run from Monday to Sunday.
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