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Improved security to be installed at Deansgate Lane park

Improved security measures at Deansgate Lane playing fields will be installed in the new year after Formby councillors agreed the funding.

Ravenmeols Cllr Nina Killen met with around 15 residents at the site in October to explain the council's proposals.

At the time not all councillors had agreed to the spending, but since then all three ward councillors have said yes to the proposals.

Around 20 travellers' caravans moved onto the playing fields on July 4 this year. The groups left six days later.

Residents contacted Cllr Nina Killen who was able to liaise with council officers regarding the eviction process, and feed back to residents.

After the travellers vacated the site, Cllr Killen met with council officers to discuss improved security to deter future encampments.

The following security improvements have been agreed and orders placed for this installation:

  • Height restrictors on both entrances to stop caravans

  • Speed Bumps on both entrances

  • New heavy duty locks on both gates

  • 1/1/2 Metre high fence to be installed; opening for a car width only.

  • 1 1/2 metre high fence next to drop down bollards or behind wooden posts.

Ravenmeols councillors were asked to approve the funding of around £5,500, using S106 money, which is taken from developers to make improvements to the community, and from ward funds.

Cllr Killen said: “Thank you to the council officers and residents for meeting with me to discuss improved security arrangements at Deansgate Lane playing fields. I was pleased that the funding was agreed quickly and hope to see these measures installed without delay. I very much hope that Sefton can also pursue official transient sites with proper facilities where travellers can stay.”

PIC: Cllr Nina Killen at Deansgate Lane park



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