Good Morning on Friday 14th January 2022. A mostly cloudy but dry day in Formby
Good Morning on Friday 14th January 2022. It’s 5°C with a easterly breeze of 6mph in #Formby
A foggy or dull start, cloud will linger in some parts for much of the day. Pleasant sunny spells where the cloud does clear. Feeling colder than Thursday. Maximum temperature 6°C.
Another chilly night with patchy frost. A mix of clear skies and patches of dense fog throughout the night but dry for all. Minimum temperature -2°C.
High Tide:
High Tide today is at 8:44am (7.50m)
Sunrise & Sunset:
Sunrise is at 8:21am
Sunset at 4:21pm
Photo is an aerial view of Formby courtesy of MD Aerial Photography. You can see Cambridge fields to the right with Range High School and Formby beach in the background.
MD Photography on Facebook HERE