Lucie from Woodlands Primary School is helping the injured Koalas by holding a fundraising event tom

Lucie, who is a Year 6 pupil at Woodlands Primary School, has been following the news stories on the recent tragic events of the Australian bush fires that happened in NSW just a few weeks ago. It really saddened her to think of all the poor animals and their habitats that were hurt and injured during the disaster and she wanted to do something about it!
During the Christmas break she wrote a letter to her headmaster asking for help and support in raising money to help the Koalas caught up in this devastating disaster.
Lucie has managed to get the full support from her headmaster and her school who thought it was a fantastic suggestion and has secured a fund raising event this Friday 17th January.
All the children of the school have been encouraged to read about the Australian bush fire news and have kindly been asked to support Lucie this coming Friday by bringing their favourite cuddly toy along to school with a £1 donation.
Please support Lucie in this wonderful charity fundraiser event and save the Koalas!