Formby Befriending Scheme are hosting a free talk about Wills, Powers of Attorney, care fees and inh

Formby Befriending Scheme are hosting a free seminar covering Wills, Lasting Powers of Attorney, the rules surrounding paying for care and inheritance tax planning.
The session will be led by experienced Formby solicitor, Liz Foggin of Autumn Years Law. The purpose of the talk is to enable people to find out what they need to consider in order to plan ahead for their advancing years.
Liz Foggin says “So many people assume what they want to happen will automatically just happen if they become incapacitated or die. Unfortunately, it very often it doesn’t. By simply failing to plan ahead you can sadly create considerable heartache and stress for loved ones. In some cases it can also create adverse cost consequences or cause rifts that can permanently destroy family relationships.”
“Even the most simplest of family situations will benefit from attending this talk because the rules surrounding inheritance tax and care fees are complex. For example, unless your Will is constructed correctly your family might have to pay more inheritance tax than would otherwise have been necessary.
This is particularly important if you want your estate to benefit from the additional inheritance tax allowance against the value of your home.”
The event takes place between 10 – 12 noon on Saturday 16 th November at the Methodist Church, Elbow Lane, Formby L37 4AF and includes free refreshments and limited free parking.
For more information please contact the Formby Befriending Scheme on 07437 479417 or Liz Foggin at Autumn Years Law on 01704 870404.