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Kind-hearted referee praised by parents and players

Young volunteer referee Lily Smith went above and beyond this week while overseeing a match between Formby Community Football Club’s under 6 girls. Lily took time to tie laces and give tips to the youngsters during a game against Ormskirk.

One spectator said: “Both teams had smiles on their faces throughout. Lots of goals, positive cheers from the parents for both sets of players. Particular thanks the ref who patiently tied laces and gave lots of positive encouragement throughout.” FCFC was only formed in March and membership is still growing. The club now has 325 members playing regular grass roots football. Formby Community Football Club (FCFC) is open to everyone. The club have availability for girls, boys, men and women of any age and ability. Get involved while having fun and making friends.

Saturday girls sessions (Deansgate Lane) Year 6 girls: 10.30-12 Nursery to year 5: 11-12 Year 7 to year 12: 11-12

Sunday Boys sessions (Watchard Lane) Nursery to year 4: 10-11 Year 5 to year 8: 11-12 Just turn up and play!

FCFC have the FA Charter Standard award and the FA Mentor Scheme in operation.

For more details on how to get involved please contact Tina Hamilton: or visit

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Christmas Chemist in Formby
Open 12 noon to 1pm

Boxing Day

Thursday 26th December 2024

Ryders Chemists

41 Old Town Lane,


L37 3HJ

Tel: 01704 872173


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Wednesday 25th December 2024

Ryders Chemists

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L37 3HJ

Tel: 01704 872173

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