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Formby Rotary welcome Chernobyl childrens lifeline speaker

Formby Rotary Club welcomed Beverley D'Sousa from the Chernobyl Children's Life Line charity last week. This charity helps children and families of the Ukraine and Belarus suffering from the after effects of the Chernobyl disaster of 1986 and the continuing adverse situation.

The massive explosion resulted in very large amounts of radioactive matter being spread across most of Europe. The highest contamination levels were in Ukraine and Belarus the two countries nearest the nuclear plant.

Beverley explained how the CCLL raises funds to bring groups of children to the UK for respite care. The children who come to the UK live with host families, eat nourishing food, rest from the relentless radiation, breathe clean air and take part in a variety of activities organised for them. It is estimated that a month staying with a family here can add two years to their life expectancy. Their improved health also allows them to fully participate in education. Each child is is given a vigorous health check before travelling so that they pose no health risk to themselves or their host family.

It was a very interesting talk and Club members were surprised to learn just how much impact the disaster is still having, and will continue to have in the future, on those living in the area. If you are interested in being a host family, please contact CCLL at

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