Formby beach gets a clean up as local volunteers help turn the tide on litter

A team of local Marine Conservation Society (MCS) volunteers have helped clean 19 bags of rubbish from Victoria Road Beach, Formby on Friday 13th of April.
The event was part of the charity’s Beachwatch project. Led by Andy Laverick, the 41 volunteers collected and recorded the rubbish along a 300 metre stretch of beach.
The data will help MCS identify the main sources of litter on Lifeboat Road beach, Formby and keep the issue of the dangers of marine litter high on the local agenda.
The beach litter survey recorded a staggering 91kg of waste; this includes 527 separate items of plastic, 59 separate items of food packaging e.g. crisp and sweet wrappers were among the items found on the day.
Andy Laverick says these beaches cleans are vital: “Beach litter isn’t just unsightly; it can also be very dangerous to both humans and wildlife.
MCS is working towards ensuring local communities right up to UK governments work together to try and stop littering at source.
The next beach clean is at Victoria Road, Formby on Friday 22nd of June 2018 and if you would like to get involved, then please contact:
Registered Charity Number (England and Wales) 1004005 Registered Charity Number (Scotland) SC037480