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USC GYM has become affiliated with CrossFit and will now be known as USC CROSSFIT!

USC gym which has been in Formby since 2013, first on the Mayflower Estate and then moving to Halsall Lane in May 2016, will now be known as USC CrossFit.

Owner John Youseff made the announcement today, Wednesday 4th April saying: "Ok I can finally announce our big news that USC Gym has become affiliated with Crossfit and will now be known as USC Crossfit."

•What is CrossFit? CrossFit is the sport of exercise. Crossfit workouts are constantly varied, high intensity, functional movements. Crossfit is the most popular fitness training for professional athletes, military and police force. The fittest man and woman on the planet are both CrossFit athletes. CrossFit workouts incorporate elements from high-intensity interval training, Olympic weightlifting, plyometrics, powerlifting, gymnastics, sport, calisthenics, strongman, and other exercises.

•What does this mean to me as a USC GYM member? Well it’s your lucky day! You are about to have access to a whole range of new classes! The gym will still be putting on the classes you love daily, but we will also be adding a daily mix of new CrossFit classes for you to enjoy. We will also be giving you a ‘Workout of the Day’ (WOD) every single day that you can perform on your own or with your friends. Your membership is going to stay the same price, which is a bargain as most Crossfit gyms charge between 65-£100 a month!

•What if I’m not a member but I would like to join? Well if you are quick, you can take advantage of our fantastic early joining offer of £35/month, including a FREE myzone heart rate monitor (RRP £129.99) We only have 50 spaces at this price and then it will be going to £45/month, which is still amazing value.

•When will the CrossFit classes be starting? In the next month or so while we fine tune everything and get the new equipment.

•Is CrossFit for me? Yes, no matter what your current fitness levels are, CrossFit will help you become the best you can be.

If you would like to know more, please email John at

To find out more about the gym and how it started, Click HERE

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