Formby Rotary Club are checking blood pressures for Stroke Awareness day

Formby Rotary Club are encouraging folk to prevent a stroke and have their blood pressure checked.
On Saturday 14th April the Club will host its annual Blood Pressure Checking Drop in Session in Formby Village at Chapel Lane surgery from 9.15am.
Three qualified nurses will be on duty to do this simple test.
High blood pressure is the biggest risk factor for having a stroke. Having your blood pressure checked regularly is one easy and important way to reduce this risk.
The national campaign has proven to be extremely successful over past years with many people being checked and sent on for further help.
The Rotary Club hope local people will stop by on the day and have their blood pressure checked. No appointment is necessary and it only takes a few minutes but could save your life! Last year one gentleman was found to have such a high reading that he was advised to go straight to A&E for further treatment!
The Club would like to thank Chapel Lane surgery for their support of this event.
In addition on the day the Club will be collecting unwanted spectacles and cases to present to 'Eye Aid for Africa'. Each year the spectacles are taken to Ghana for adults and children who have sight problems and cannot afford the glasses to solve the problem.
Your contribution to this worthy cause would be grateful accepted.