Formby Christmas Tree was originally in Duke Street Park

Looking through the Formby Civic Society archives we were able to find this photograph that appeared in the Formby Times showing a Mrs. Thompson and her daughter Nicola looking at the Christmas Tree on Chapel Lane in 1974.
This in turn reminded me of the part played by FCS in helping to introduce a Tree to Chapel Lane. It was in 1954, just after the founding of what was then called The Formby Society, that the custom of raising a tree with lighting for Christmas was begun. It was situated in Duke Street Park, near to the Pavilion, and people gathered around to sing carols.
The cutting from the Formby Times of 1956 shows that it was later moved to Chapel Lane so as to be seen by a greater number of people – and this tradition has continued to the present day.

Formby Civic Society would like to wish our members and visitors a very Happy Christmas and prosperous New Year - thank you for your support.
By John Phillips Formby Civic Society