The Pride of Formby Awards returns in October, make your nominations now

The Pride of Formby Awards returns in October this year and the Parish Council are looking for your nominations.
Formby Parish Council will be holding the Pride of Formby Awards on Friday 13th October at the Gild Hall, Church Road, Formby at 7.30pm.
We are looking for people to nominate, in the various categories, their unsung hero. This is a night when we can celebrate the achievements of our residents in Formby who give up their time to help others and make life easier for those concerned.
Last years event was very successful and brought tears to many in the audience. It is amazing what people will do for others and this is a way we can show our thanks.
You can go online to our survey which is: to nominate your hero or you can collect a form from the Library and return it to them, once completed. You can also contact the parish clerk, Claire Jenkins for further information.
The closing date for entries is Monday 21st August, 2017.

The categories are:
This award recognises a person whose teaching, leadership or mentoring has inspired others to achieve more in their education and career. Judges will be looking for either an individual or an organisation that has made a real difference in their students' lives within a Formby School either primary or secondary.
To recognise someone who either looks after, or helps to support, other people. It could be a family member at home, a friend or relative. They may run errands, do shopping, tidy homes and gardens, help to care for pets or simply pop round for a morale-boosting chat, and if part of their career, going above and beyond their job requirements.
Someone who has overcome adversity, experienced family tragedy, dealt with a huge challenge or tackled something completely new. Despite their situation they may have turned a negative into a positive to help others and make the community a better place.
Someone whose actions have had a positive impact on their neighbourhood or their actual neighbours. This may be through good deeds on a regular basis, or simply an individual whose community-minded attitude brightens up someone else’s day.
Someone who is an amateur fundraiser, not necessarily raising the most money but using the most innovative or creative methods to do so in order to help others. It could be a one-off project or something they have done regularly over a number of years. This award is for individuals and will be split into two categories, junior, for under 18s and adult fundraisers for 18 and over.
Do know someone who is a real ambassador for Formby? Do they show commitment and dedication to the area always leading the way with community activities and campaigns. For this award we are looking for someone with true Formby spirit. Someone who helps to keep their local community ticking. This person will volunteer within the local community providing a service or filling the many gaps not provided by other organisations; they give up their time freely to ensure their local community is a better place.
A young person, aged 18 or under, who has shown maturity beyond their years and whose attitude and actions makes them stand out from the crowd. This might have been coming to the rescue in an emergency, showing composure and compassion in a crisis, caring for relatives, or spearheading a relevant campaign.
This award is for someone who in the course of their job has gone that extra mile to help someone in the local community or assisted someone who needed emergency help or aid. They could be a doctor, nurse, council worker, shop assistant etc.
This award recognizes the efforts made in the volunteering sector and who have made an exceptional contribution in the past 12 months to their local community. Have you experienced the care and support of a local community organisaton? Are you involved in a charity organisation which gives support to people in Formby in their hour of need? For this award we are looking to recognise charity/community organisations who make a really differences to the lives of people in Formby. Any entries by or on behalf of a charity should have a registered charity number.
You don’t have to be top of the league or a gold medal winner to enter this award. The winner will be a team or individual with a passion and drive for sport. You could nominate the team you play for, your coach, or someone who has inspired you locally.
Top Photo: Last years winners.