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Thanks to a kind stranger in Waitrose for my bottle of Champagne

Dear Formby Bubble:

I was in Waitrose earlier this evening after I'd finished work (I am a nurse in Formby) and a complete stranger gave me a bottle of champagne and said: "Are you a nurse?" when I said 'Yes" he said: "this is to let you know we care!" I was so stunned and overwhelmed and tried to give him it back saying there was no way I could take it, but he sped off so quickly and simply said "please take it .. I'm gone!" and he hurried away!

I cannot express what an overwhelming kindness, and fantastic gesture this was! I deeply appreciate this wonderful kindness and wondered if you could thank this kind anonymous person! He has restored my faith in human nature! I wept with joy a few minutes later, once the speed and shock of the gesture had sunken in!

Can you please send him a THANK YOU! I am truly humbled. He clearly wanted to show his appreciation for nurses and I am overwhelmed. In the hope that he reads 'Formby Bubble ' I wonder if you can thank him on my behalf please?

Kind regards , Yvonne Sturdy (Nurse Practitioner at The Village Surgery, Formby) xxx

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