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Lighting up LOVEmyBEACH Competition

Lighting up LOVEmyBEACH

The LOVEmyBEACH campaign has teamed up with Blackpool Council and the Blackpool Illuminations curator Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen to launch a competition for primary schools.

The competition is open to schools in Blackpool, Lancashire, Cumbria, Sefton and Wirral for Key Stage 1 and 2 children to design a LOVEmyBEACH message for the 3million people who visit the Blackpool Illuminations every year.

The competition is designed to help spread messages which encourages people, local and visitors, to do their bit to love beaches in the North West.

To enter, schools are required to download the free LOVEmyBEACH education resources from the website choosing an activity and theme for their design.

The design should include the website address and be printed on A3 paper using the template provided: competition/

Entries should be posted to Keep Britain Tidy by 5pm on Wednesday 19th

July 2017. The winner will be announced in September 2017 via the LOVEmyBEACH website.

The winning design will be chosen by Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen and be transformed into a Blackpool Illumination that will be on display from 1st September to 5th November 2017. The pupil will also receive a FREE family ticket to the Sandcastle Waterpark Blackpool.

Chair of Turning Tides and Blackpool Chief Executive, Neil Jack, said: “This competition is a great way to inform children, and their families, that they too can contribute to keeping our seas clean. By making small changes like only ever flushing pee, poo and paper down the toilet or binning your fats, oils and greases our coast will continue to improve.

“The winning Illumination will highlight these important messages to the millions of

Illuminations visitors too who can take actions to keep the North West coast one of the

most loved areas in the country.”

For more information on Blackpool Illuminations and please go to or Tel: 01253 478222.

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