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Rotary checks the pressure

Formby Rotary held it's annual Stroke Awareness event recently in conjunction with the Stroke Association in Chapel Lane surgery.

Two nurses were on duty to test the blood pressures of anyone who dropped in. They checked 100 people during the morning.

Raised blood pressure is an early sign of potential stroke or heart disease. Having your blood pressure checked regularly is a good way to make sure everything is ok. If there is a problem the earlier it is caught the better the chance of dealing with it either with simple changes to lifestyle or in worst cases, with medication.

Many of the people who dropped in to be checked are regulars who make a point of attending every year and having themselves checked over. If any problems are found the nurses recommend a follow up visit to the GP so things can be monitored. Hopefully this way any serious problems can be averted.

Formby Rotary Club would like to thank Chapel Lane surgery for the use of their premises. A special thank you goes to Jackie from the surgery for being there throughout the event. Thanks to the two nurses, Helen Blackwell and Tracey Whitaker, for their help on the day.

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