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A Grey Seal found on Formby beach this morning

A Grey Seal was spotted just after 9am this morning, Monday 3rd April washed up on Formby beach. The seal is alive and scared. It is approx 4.5ft long on Lifeboat Road beach.

Sefton Council Ranger Chris Tyman said: "The problem is, it is natural for him to haul out. If you've ever been out to Hilbre Island, there is about five hundred of them that haul out. Grey seals haul out in huge numbers at their colonies to breed, moult and rest. He looks alright but he does have marks on him. They can fight so that may explain the marks and he is maulting as well, but it could have distemper looking at the stuff hanging from his nose."

Chris went on to call the RSPCA who were sending someone out to check everything was alright with it.

Although many seals found on their own are healthy, some are sick or injured and unable to feed properly, while others have been separated from their mothers by storms.

Anyone who is concerned about a seal found alone can report it to the RSPCA on 0300 1234 999 or report it online at

What to do if you find a seal - advice from the RSPCA

  1. Never put a seal back in the sea as it may get into difficulty

  2. Do not touch a seal if you find one alone - they can give a nasty bite, which will become infected by the bacteria that live in a seal’s mouth

  3. Do not allow dogs or other animals to harass a seal – it could be scared back into the water and washed out to sea by strong currents

Here is our video of the Grey Seal this morning...

Notice the flesh wounds which look quite sore

We left him in good hands with Sefton Rangers watching over him until the RSPCA were able to come out

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