Formby said a fond farewell to a local firefighter and hero

On 15th October, Formby lost one of it's true hero's, Thomas Mannion, at just 69 years old. A firefighter for fifty years, a Formby resident since age of 19. Tom was a much loved and well respected man who lived with his wife Anne. The family were devastated when he was diagnosed with cancer.
Toms funeral took place on Thursday 27th October at St. Jeromes Church at 10:30am. He had a full firemans funeral complete with an old fire engine and full Fire Service salute.

The funeral had such an amazing turn out which just shows how many hearts he touched. The family would like to say: "Thank you for everyone who came and supported us all, and all the kind messages, cards and prayers. He was not only our hero, but the worlds hero as a firefighter saving lots of lives. You will always be loved, respected and cherished in so many hearts. Tom was the party man that everyone will remember, whisky in one hand and the other in the air listening to Frank Sinatra and Elvis. Such a proud man full of pride and strength."

Toms granddaughter Grainne wrote this poem in her granddad's memory...
"Grandad we all will miss you,and wish you were still here,
but as you promised me dearly, in spirit, you will always be near.
Life will be so hard and different, without you here today,
but one thing I am grateful for,
are the words and goodbyes we got to say. I know you were taken too early and we won't meet again for a while,
you won't be in your chair for me,
with a gentle hug and smile.
You are shining so bright in the sky,
comforting us as we all greave but,
the hardest part about losing you,
was being strong and watching you leave.
Lets think of happy memoriesand all the things Grandad had done,
as he told me, to keep living my life,
remembering him and having fun.
My Grandad has touched so many hearts throughout all of the years,
he wants to be remembered by smiling, not being sad and shedding tears.
These are our final goodbyes Grandad,
so sit back with your cup of tea,
you have done your bit,
now relax in peace,
because i will make you so proud of me."
Formby's Thomas Mannion who died 15th October 2016