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Milo & Coco need a home

This gorgeous pair of Shi Tzus have a great outlook on life: don’t worry; be happy! They are looking for a loving new home due to their current family's extended working hours. They are beautiful, sweet-natured dogs. Seven-year old Milo loves toys and happily carries his 'hot dog' toy around, whilst Coco (5 years old) is more laid back.

Both dogs take everything in their stride and don't seem to let anything worry them. They are calm, placid and well behaved. They have lived with a cat in the past and may be able to live with cats again in the future. They can be left for a few hours a day.

Coco came to us in season and as she is living with an un-neutered male dog, she will be neutered at the earliest opportunity, as will Milo! Milo can sound very 'snorty' when he’s eating; our vet believes this is due to his breeding. This pair are truly adorable and will make wonderful companions!

Could you offer Milo and Coco a loving home? If so we would love to hear from you.

Check out their profile at or call us on 0151 931 1604.

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Christmas Chemist in Formby
Open 12 noon to 1pm

Boxing Day

Thursday 26th December 2024

Ryders Chemists

41 Old Town Lane,


L37 3HJ

Tel: 01704 872173


 Christmas Day

Wednesday 25th December 2024

Ryders Chemists

41 Old Town Lane,


L37 3HJ

Tel: 01704 872173

Sunday 22nd December 2024

Ryders Chemists

41 Old Town Lane,


L37 3HJ

Tel: 01704 872173

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