Village Surgery patients important notice - changes to flu clinics

This year the flu clinics will be held at the Village Surgery for those who are entitled ie over 65 or at clinical risk, (if you are unsure please enquire at reception)
Drop-in clinics will run on the following dates :-
Surnames A-E Monday 10TH OCT 2pm-4pm
Surnames F-J Wednesday 12TH OCT 2pm-4pm
Surnames K-O Thursday 13TH OCT 2pm-4pm
Surnames P-T Monday 17TH OCT 2pm-4pm
Surnames U-Z Thursday 20TH OCT 2pm-4pm
To ensure the smooth running of these clinics please attend on the day of your surname initial only as indicated above.
Should you be unable to attend on these dates then additional clinics will be advertised on the website and on posters around the surgery.