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Award winning Formby historian, Joan Rimmer has released a delightful new book Formby Folk Tales

The ever amazing, award winning Formby historian, Joan Rimmer has brought out a delightful new book with Harold James called Formby Folk Tales. It is a fantastic read for all Formby residents new and old who are wanting to know a little bit about our amazing village.

Joan said: “In 2007 Harold James and I agreed to write some articles about the Formby of our youth for St. Luke’s Church Magazine, and over the following two years we did so and we’re pleased to know that our contributions appeared to have been popular.”

“Since that time, the church has seen three new Vicars and the continuing growth of Formby, making it possible that with the passage of time this small omnibus volume could be new to some and forgotten by others and hopefully could be enjoyed by a wider readership as a reminder, or revelation, of how very much this homestead of ours has changed from its rural roots.”

“I hope Formby Folk Tales will be an entertaining account of a very different Formby.”

The books are now available from Derbyshire's, Formby Post Office an also Select Stationery.

Price is just £5 and all proceeds go to charity.

Enjoy! It is an absolute delight!



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