A fond farewell from Formby dentist Julian Powell who is retiring this week

A fond farewell from #Formby dentist Julian Powell who is retiring this week.
Julian has served Formby for 27 years with his successful dental surgery but he is due to retire at the end of this week.
Julian said: “I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you who have walked through the doors of Elbow Lane. I will always cherish the memories that I have made and will miss everyone.”
Julian purchased a practice above the old Don Luigi’s restaurant (now Sorrentos), in 1996, before moving it to the current premises on Elbow Lane in 2000. He transformed the building and with the support of a great team, the practice steadily grew, helping many of Formby’s residents with their dental needs.
Following several renovations of the practice, there is now a happy team of over 20 people!
Good luck in your retirement Julian and thankyou.

Elbow Lane Dental Surgery