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A Crime Alert for the residents of North and West Sefton from Merseyside Police

Fraudsters are contacting via telephone

Following the last Sefton Crime Alert message there has been a Police press release following further incidents in Southport after the message was sent out. The incidents were dealt with by the PCSOs from North Sefton Community Policing Team.

Although the incidents happened in Southport the Police are asking everyone in Sefton to be particularly vigilant and to be aware, it could happen to anyone, of any age in any part of the country.

Merseyside Police Press Release

“Merseyside Police have received numerous reports from residents in the community about Fraudsters contacting them via telephone and claiming to be the Police, they are informed they are part of an investigation into suspected staff within their bank and that there money is not safe!

Victims are then persuaded to attend the bank and coached on what to say should bank staff question there large withdrawal or transfer.

We would urge all residents within Merseyside to be aware that such a scam exists and to be reminded that the Police would never ask them to transfer or withdraw any money.

If anybody receives such calls they should not pass on any personal details and tell friends and family to help get the prevention message out.

The latest reports received show two victims attending there bank and asking to withdraw £10,000 and thanks to the well trained bank staff have identified Fraud and prevented a loss, unfortunately a third person was not so lucky and has lost £24,000.

The police are doing all they can to stop these Frauds and to identify the offenders, unfortunately the suspects are often out of the UK and in countries where we are unable to pursue them.

If anybody has any further details please contact Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or go online.”

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