Will you be alone on Christmas Day? You are invited to a Christmas meal at Formby Luncheon Club

Each Christmas, Formby Tesco community team, along with volunteers, organise a Christmas dinner in Formby for anyone that would otherwise be on their own on Christmas Day.
Tesco Community Champion, Nikki Benson said: "Today we have had to explain to our Tesco customers, why Catie Page our local councillor and I, have been walking around Formby Tesco in Christmas Jumpers and Hats, looking at Christmas goodies. Rest assured it’s all for a good cause."
"Christmas Day can be a lonely day when you are on your own and that’s where Formby Hub Christmas lunch (provided by Formby Tesco) comes in. We would like to share a cooked meal with friendly volunteers and other guests on Christmas Day."
Nikki went on to say: "If you are on your own or know anyone that will be alone on Christmas Day, even if it is a couple. They are invited to join us at 12 noon at Formby Luncheon club on 25th December."
Booking is essential, please contact Catie page on 01704832807, if necessary leave a message with your contact details and she will get back to you ASAP.
"We look forward to seeing you there."