Formby Photo Group exhibition winners announced
Congratulations to all the winners of the Formby Photo Group exhibition which was held on September 28th.
First Place in the vote for this years' "People's Choice"...

1st place - "Weir & Mill" by Alex Watson
Alex wins a meal for 2 and a bottle of wine courtesy of The Freshfield. Well done Alex!
Below - 2nd place - "An English Summer" by Giles Watts

Below - 3rd place - "Staithes Harbour" by Jim Small

Below - "Pay per view" by Rod Hill was picked as The Freshfield's Winner and Rod elected to choose 8 pints as his prize. I'm assuming these were not consumed on the award night.

Congratulations also to the Raffle Prize winners...
1st Prize "Peoples choice print" - Judy
2nd Prize - "The Freshfield voucher" - Brian
3rd Prize - "Box of biscuits" - Stan
Well done to all concerned and thanks to all who participated in the Exhibition or voting.
To find out more, please visit the Formby Photo Group Facebook page by clicking here
Visit their website HERE