Perseid meteor shower is lighting up the sky over Formby tonight

The Perseid meteor shower tonight will give stargazers the opportunity to spot scores of shooting stars in the sky. Tonight is a really clear sky and there are so many over Formby already!
Astronomers say hundreds of meteors will streak across the sky in a display that may be visible around the world. The Perseid meteor shower occurs every July and August as the Earth passes debris from the Swift-Tuttle comet.
The BBC Weather centre said it would peak from 23:00 BST on Saturday and could be seen in most parts of the UK. However, experts say the Perseids could be harder to see this year as the Moon will be three-quarters full.
Here’s our guide to how you can spot the Perseid meteor shower in Formby.
What is the Perseid meteor shower?
The annual Perseid meteor shower is considered to be one of the best meteor displays, with some instances of being able to see up to 90 meteors an hour.
Made up of tiny space debris from the comet Swift-Tuttle, the Perseids are named after the constellation Perseus. This is because the meteor shower travels in the same direction as the constellation.
When is it happening?
This year the shower is expected to be visible between 12 and 13 August, peaking on 11th and 12th August.
When is the best time to catch a glimpse of it?
Experts say the best time of day to see it is either before the sunrise, or late in the evening - just after midnight.
Where are the best spots to see it?
We have already seen loads tonight over our Bubble but Gerard Gilligan of the Liverpool Astronomical Society said: “Anywhere away from major city light pollution is best. The beach or along the coast is probably your best bet, as long as it is safe to do so. Try not to view it on your own in this case - it may be best to go in groups.
“The meteors can be seen looking at the south first of all, then as the night goes on, you’re best looking towards the east.”
Do I need any special equipment to see it?
No - the Perseid meteor shower is visible to the naked eye so you won’t need any binoculars or special equipment, just a dark spot.
Any other tips?
Try getting to a secluded area and put the light from your mobile phone away to increase your chances of seeing it.
And if you’re heading to the beach or a secluded area, Gerard Gilligan advises you to bring a sun lounger - “get comfortable and lie on your back, looking up at the stars.”

The_2010_Perseids_over_the_VLT in Chile

Perseid meteor shower

Perseid meteor shower
If you manage to catch any on video or photos, we would love to see them. Please send them to