Old Chestnut Trees and Ash Trees to be felled in Formby Village

Reports have been published in recent weeks following the planting of new trees in a number of locations in Formby, including Southport Road and Harington Road, two important roads in the town. These are part of a wider plan.
There are two Ash trees in the village at the corner of Halsall Lane and Chapel Lane (outside Barclays Bank) which need to be felled due to them failing to establish. Felling notices will be placed on these trees on Monday 27th February however, it is important to point out that they will also be replaced (within 2 weeks). The tree pits will be cleared and modified to allow the new trees, a variety of Pyrus which are more suited to urban positions, to grow fully. The Parish Council has approved the money for these trees to be replaced and Sefton Council Tree Team will carry out the works.
Residents expressed disappointment when four trees on the south side of Chapel Lane were taken down in recent years. The Ravenmeols Ward Councillors have agreed to fund the replacement of these four trees and work will be carried out in the next month to replace these, once the positions of the replacements have been finalised.
A spokesman for the Parish Council has stressed that this is a coordinated programme with all local councillors, in dealing with an extremely difficult problem within our community. We are all concerned with the removal of any trees and wish to protect and improve the appearance of Chapel Lane.
In addition, we were informed by Sefton Council that there are five trees in Chapel Lane, the old chestnut trees, which are to be felled, two this year and three next year. They are not in good condition, showing their age, and the problems of disease have recurred. The Sefton Tree Management team has made a thorough and detailed assessment, and the sad news is that they are unsafe. They will have to be reduced or felled over the next two years. As these are to be felled by Sefton Council it poses a problem with how this will impact on the ambience of our Village centre. In readiness the Parish Council has set aside funds to replace them to ensure that residents and visitors in future will be able to enjoy the town as we have in the past.
Further information will be published as soon as more details are known.