New 15ft trees planted in our Bubble

Residents may have seen lots of new trees being planted in Harington Ward Formby. Harington Cllrs Denise Dutton, Simon Jamieson and Michael Pitt are pleased to have been able to approve this to further enhance our area. The money to fund this comes from Section 106 money. This money comes as a green space bounty from new building developments, so does not cost ratepayers anything from their council tax.
Cllr Dutton said: "We are pleased to be able to continue to improve our area at no cost to ratepayers, we have identified areas that will benefit for years to come as these trees mature."
At the recent Parish Council meeting, it was also discussed to replace trees on Halsall Lane and Chapel Lane due to their very poor condition. Two Ash trees outside Barclays Bank are to be replaced at the earliest opportunity with suitable trees and a further four trees on Chapel Lane. The chestnut trees are the fabric of our village and this will be taken into consideration.
On Green Lane in Formby, there are six Poplar trees next to the Embassy Buildings. Two of these will need to be cut down and four will need to be pruned. All trees that are cut down are replaced with suitable trees.
It has also been earmarked for trees to be planted along Bushby's Lane, Queens Road and Jubilee Road including outside St. Luke's school. This is an ongoing programme that councillors will be progressing as monies become available.
Cllr Jamieson added: "We are looking to improve tree and green spaces across the ward so if you have space around you we may be able to improve please get in touch."
The trees that have been planted are approximately 15ft tall and it is hoped that they will be better than the previous smaller and thinner trees that broke quite easily due to their small size. The height of these trees will mean that in as little as two years, the visible difference will be fantastic. Well done to all involved.
Top photo - Cllr Denise Dutton, Cllr Michael Pitt and Cllr Simon Jamieson