A Formby primary school pupil raised over £300 on Christmas Jumper Day
A pupil from Woodlands Primary School in Formby has raised over £300 for Save the Children on Christmas Jumper Day.
Ella Stainton applied for an information pack from Save the Children with regards their Christmas Jumper Day. She then asked the school if she would be allowed to hold the Christmas Jumper Day at school.
Ella said: "I decided to raise money for Save the Children after seeing the civil war in Syria on the news. Too many children are being killed or injured in this war – that’s when I decided I wanted to try and help save children’s lives and keep them safe."
A spokesperson from Woodlands school said: "At Woodlands, we expect our pupils to work hard and make progress academically, but we also encourage them to take an active role in their school and the wider community. We are so proud of Ella, one of our Y6 pupils. She applied for an information pack from Save the Children with regards to their Christmas Jumper Day, then asked at school if we would allow her to hold the day. How could we refuse?!"
Ella's mum, Yvette is so proud of Ella and her achievement.
Well done Ella, you have raised £304.37 for this wonderful cause – you are a STAR!
Photo: Ella in her Christmas jumper with her collection box
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