Formby High School students collected their GCSE results today which were exceptional

Year 11 students have collected their GCSE results, fuelling much excitement and celebration. Their results are exceptional and considerably higher than in 2019 when students last sat exams. In particular, the proportion of students achieving the high grades was very impressive with a whopping 39 students attaining at least eight GCSE grades 7 or above. One student was awarded grade 9s in all 11 GCSE subjects whilst four others achieved grade 9s in all but one subject.

Overall, the results were excellent with the proportion of students gaining grade 4 or above in the GCSEs improving from previous year. A special mention should go to the small group of dedicated students have been loading up on rocket fuel and attending early morning Astronomy lessons for the last two years. They sat their GCSE Astronomy exams this summer with nearly 60% gaining a grade 7 or better.

We recently introduced a Catering & Hospitality course for our budding chefs and this year’s cohort served up some excellent results with an unbelievable 15 students achieving a Distinction*.
In GCSEs, vocational courses or Entry Level qualifications, students have surpassed expectation and should be proud of what they have achieved.
Many will be returning to Formby High School’s sixth form and we look forward to them returning in September. For those who are venturing on to pastures new, they leave with our very best wishes and thanks for all they have contributed to the life of the school.

Mrs Grieveson, Chair of Governors, said: “On behalf of our Governing Body, well done to all our students receiving their grades today. We are delighted and proud of every one of them for their resilience and hard work. We know that many of them will be joining FHS Sixth Form and we look forward to celebrating their continuing success. To those who are leaving us for new ventures, we wish them every success and happiness in the future.”
”Thank you to all the staff involved in supporting these students through very challenging and uncertain times.”
Mr Mackenzie, Headteacher, commented: “In a year of uncertainty in terms of exam results and following the turbulence of the last few years, this group of students should be proud of themselves. I certainly am and I know their teachers are too. The grades they have earned are a fair reflection of their commitment, enthusiasm to learn and determination to succeed. Not only are they bright and highly motivated, they are all good people who deserve today’s success and will, doubtless, have much success in the future. Well done!”