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Three men arrested for handling stolen goods in Formby

Merseyside Police can confirm three men have been arrested following a traffic stop in Formby yesterday afternoon (Thursday 5th January.) At around 4.30pm, officers stopped a Transit van on Elbow Lane and following a search of the vehicle, found what is believed to be either stolen or counterfeit designer clothing including labels such as North Face and Jimmy Choo. Three men aged 64 years, 46 years and 21 years, all from the Formby area have been arrested on suspicion of handling stolen goods. They remain in police custody at this time. Detective Chief Inspector Gayle Rooney said: “Handling counterfeit or stolen goods is a serious offence and not a victimless crime with legitimate businesses losing out. “If you are offered cheap goods, no matter how good the “bargain” appears to be, please don’t buy them. Call the Police via 101 or Crimestoppers and tell us where and when you saw them.”

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