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Formby Girl Guiding.....
You can get involved in Girl Guiding from the age of five years old.
Rainbows - age five to seven
Rainbows have fun! They play games, have parties and make things while developing life skills.
Brownies - age seven to ten
Brownies do it all! Their meetings are full of challenges, games and activities, usually ones that the Brownies have suggested themselves.
Guides - age 10 to 14
Being a Guide encourages girls to develop by undertaking challenges and pushing the boundaries of their experience.
Senior Section - age 14 to 25
Our Senior Section offers an exciting and flexible programme with a huge variety of challenges, activities and opportunities for personal development.
We want to hear your latest news, stories and achievements from your Formby Rainbows, Brownies and Guides Groups. Please just email us your photos, news and stories and we will post them on your page right here. Email to: info@formbybubble.com
2nd Holy Trinity Guides
Tel: 01704 878 913 or Email: formby.htc.office@btconnect.com
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